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About Pediatric PsychSolutions, P.A.
Under the leadership of Nadine Charles de Giordany, Psy.S, LCSW, Licensed School Psychologist, sole proprietor/owner and executive director of the practice, Pediatric PsychSolutions, P.A. is an assessment, consultation, and treatment center that specializes in providing quality support to children ages 2 to 18. While such services are also available in other pediatric psychological practices, Pediatric PsychSolutions, P.A. brings something very different to the table. What sets us apart is that our team is comprised of clinicians who bring with them over 30 years of combined experience working exclusively in local school districts, in addition to their clinical experience.
Research shows that children who struggle with emotional problems often also have difficulties at school. Whether it is due to academic or social difficulties, our clients often require services and accommodations at school while in treatment. Our clinicians are not only well-versed in the rules and policies guiding public school education, they are also experts in assessing the "whole" child in order to make recommendations that are functional, realistic, and practical.
Whether a parent has a school-age child experiencing academic difficulties or requiring a psycho-educational evaluation for the purpose of seeking a private school admission, a preschooler dealing with a possible developmental delay, or an adolescent dealing with emotional issues, Pediatric PsychSolutions can help. We can also help if a parent suspects that his/her child may be a gifted child who has yet to be identified and placed accordingly in school. At Pediatric PsychSolutions P. A., we specialize in helping children, adolescents, and families better cope with a wide range of developmental, cognitive, behavioral, social, and adjustment problems.
We can assess your child's strengths and weaknesses by conducting comprehensive psychological evaluations that include clinical recommendations for the home and the school.
We can also identify whether or not a gifted placement is appropriate for your child at school through intelligence testing.
We provide comprehensive psychological evaluations and treatments, whether our clients’ native language is English or not. Our diverse team is equipped to provide services to children and families in many languages, including English, French, Spanish, or Haitian-Creole.
South Florida is truly a “melting pot” and finding a culturally sensitive mental health professional to help a child, who either does not speak English fluently or is equally fluent in another language, can become a very challenging task for a family in crisis. In fact, the shortage of bilingual psychologists often leads to children being placed on a waiting list for an extended period of time.
At Pediatric PsychSolutions P. A., we specialize in helping children, adolescents, and families better cope with a wide range of developmental, cognitive, behavioral, social, and adjustment problems. With many years of experience in working with children by providing psychological services in school settings, our team of contracted Licensed Clinical Psychologists and Licensed School Psychologists can help. At Pediatric PsychSolutions P. A., we are experts in the assessment of many child-related issues including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Assessment of Blind/Visually Impaired Children, Learning Disabilities, Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Giftedness, and Developmental Delays.
Nadine Charles de Giordany
Licensed School Psychologist
Executive Director